When the new year gets underway, it’s nice finding ways to get some insight into what’s in store for the next 365 days. It helps us become more mindful, perhaps finding simple ways to plan for what’s to come so we can accept the good and do our best to prepare for the challenges that may arise. We also want to take stock of the previous year and see how we can learn from the lessons there to teach us. Every January, I have my approach to looking ahead, so I want to share three mystical practices you can use to welcome the new year and perhaps say “Farewell!” to the old.  You can also do these anytime throughout the year.

Consulting the Cards

The first practice I recommend is a tarot reading. Carve out time to intuitively pick out a tarot deck and do a reading for yourself that allows you to reflect on the lessons that came from the year prior. The setup I like is to pull two to three cards for each month. Using the cards is an excellent approach, especially if you’re already reflecting on what happened in the past, if you’re new to tarot this practice will help you see what has happened and how the cards represent those months as you’ll be able to see it play out when you draw from the deck. They speak to each person in a unique way, allowing you to gain more clarity to reflect on what happened during a given month. Now, you can take it a step further and do the same thing by pulling cards for the upcoming year and observing what’s ahead, allowing you to prepare yourself. Remember that we always have free will, and energy is always changing, so nothing in the cards is set in stone. It just gives us an idea of where our energy lies and a glimpse of what could happen.

Check out this resource on using tarot for personal readings.  

Looking to the Stars

Next, you can use transit astrology, similarly reflecting on how planetary energies influenced you in the past year and what the energies are for the upcoming year. It’s an excellent way to see what patterns formed in what was going on in your life while two planets were interacting with each other. Transit astrology examines what the planets are doing in the sky and compares that to your personal natal chart, allowing you to observe how they influenced you. So, by consulting astrology and your chart, you can have another perspective to reflect on the past year. Again, it’s helpful to look ahead to future dates and figure out what you can do in the next year. It’s especially useful if you have exciting new projects to work on because you can see the patterns forming based on what you learned from the previous year.


Delving Inwards

Lastly, it’s a great idea to give yourself a chakra tune-up. The chakras are the energetic wheels in our body that govern certain areas in our physical and energetic bodies. A year is a long time for the body, and a lot can change and shift inside of us. By making time to meditate, you can check in on each chakra to see where additional healing or work needs to happen. Then you can rebalance them or make a holistic plan so that you are able to tackle the new year feeling your best.


Learning the lessons from the old you by seeing these patterns and making time to reflect is a wonderful way to enter the new year. And it’s so easy to implement these simple practices and build a plan based on your findings. Plus, they’re all flexible, so you can approach them in whatever feels best to you or allow me to support you in your journey and share exactly how to work with these practices. If you’re interested in learning more about any of these topics, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at meli@thedreamingyogi.org or find me on Instagram @the_dreaming_yogi. I’m always happy to nerd out about holistic wellness with you.

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